Monday, April 27, 2009

Violence in Society.

Is there really a specific reason as to why our society is so violent, or is it a combination of many contributing factors? Four reasons that have affected our society to become more violent would be the influence of others around us, basic human nature, the common exposure to all of it, and the idea of role playing during video games. People around us have great influence over the way we might think and interact with one another. As a child grows up it will take on certain character traits from their family and everyone around them, and if they grow up in a hostile environment they won’t know any better than to be hostile themselves. Therefore they may go through school being the class bully that picks on all the kids that are more vulnerable than them because that’s how they get treated at home. As for the kids that are getting teased they might be building up hatred inside and lash out in a serious manner such as bringing weapons to school or causing harm to themselves and others around them. When basic human nature kicks in, life becomes survival of the fittest. When someone’s own life becomes in danger they will sacrifice nearly anyone around them in order to survive, all ethics go out the window. If it came down to a race for the only water left, many people would get trampled to death just in the attempt to reach some. With the constant exposure to all of the violence from things such as the news and movies, society becomes desensitized to it all. The commonality of all the gang violence in bigger cities makes it seem that it’s just part of everyday life and there isn’t much to do about it. As well as movies nowadays seem to have very little guidelines as to what is considered too much. Movies such as “Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street” are so graphic with their violence. Although it was a good movie, it literally showed the barber cutting the throats with the blood spurting out in many cases. While several other movies may give ideas of how to conduct a proper bank heist and other things like that. While there are countless games out there that have the player acting as the character in the game. Some examples are Halo, Call of duty, and Resident Evil. They are all games that revolve around shooting and killing your opponent, and they go into such detail as well. There is even a game where you can take a picture of your own face and upload it to the characters on the screen and YOU can go around shooting the other team as if you were in war. Since this alternate reality allows you to pretend to be that person going around on a killing spree it will definitely have an affect on the developing mind of teenagers. As a result to all of this our society can’t help to be more hostile and violent in their everyday life.

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