Wednesday, February 11, 2009


My superpower is no doubt a skill that people envy. One that puts all other superheros to shame, one that now makes the skin of villains crawl at the mere sound of my name. My superpower is that of calling on all butterflies. Now just think about it, if I'm ever in the situation where I need to distract my foe I can just send out my signal then thousands of butterflies, even millions, will come and make a fluttering cloud of colourful insects and BAM I'll get the bad guy where they are vulnerable. Now that may be unjust or even unethical but you have to ask yourself what kind of person would pick on me,  a small delicate girl barely reaching 5'2", they would have to be completely malevolent.

Of course, before I had earned my feared reputation amongst these so called villains, I was in fact the laughing stock of the human population. I would show up at a fight with hot shots like Superman and Batman, and no one would take me seriously, and I don't blame them because who honeslly uses butterflies to fight? But let me tell you, those hot shots aren't what they are cracked up to be, hollywood has done them a LOT of favors. So while I'm standing there preparing myself  for battle my opponents are just holding their guts killing themselves laughing, however I should not be taken for granted, you know I am deliberating my plan of attack, summoning the most vicious butterflies that are known to man and just seconds before my enemies are about to stop, POOF they are gone, whisked away by the graceful little creatures. Now before you look at me with that quizzical look of yours just think that I may in fact be using that so called superpower of mine.

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